Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Adding Chapter Titles

Title Page and Section Breaks
Just to make this start looking like a real book, let's add a quick and dirty title page. First of all, make sure you are viewing your document in "Print Layout" (select this in the View tab). Then type the name of your book at the top of the page. Then with the cursor at the end of the title click the tab "Layout", "Breaks", and type n (or click on "Next Page"). This will create a new page and a new "section" (which will be important when it comes time to add footers and page numbers).

Navigation Pane
On page 2 (you may need to delete a blank line here or there when doing Section breaks) we can start putting Chapter titles. At this point you should have the Navigation Pane active. Click the View tab, and make sure the Navigation Pane is checked. This will help you move around the book by chapter.

Chapter Headers
Select the word "Chapter 1" (or however you spelled your first header, "1.", "I.", "ONE", etc.). In the Home tab go to Styles section on the right and click on "Heading 1". This will cause "Chapter 1" to be reformatted and also place it in the Navigation Pane. Then put your cursor at the end of the 1st chapter and add a Section break (as described above). Repeat this for every chapter. If your book is hundreds of pages, you can use Ctrl-F to find the word "chapter" and repeat the process for all your chapters. At this point your book is probably starting to look much nicer.

The Style "Heading 1" is a default setting in Word but it can be customized later. In fact, this automatic customizing feature is the reason why we will be using Styles to format every part of our book. By changing the format of a particular Style, it will change all headers in the book automatically in one stroke. This is true for regular text, sub-headers, quotation marks, lists, etc. Although this is not that important for ebooks (which do not have strictly defined font formats), this will be very handy when creating a document for the paperback.

Repeat this step for sub-headings and choose the Style "Heading 2".

Repeat this step for quoted paragraphs and choose the Style "Quote".

To see more available default Styles click the down arrow ("V") in the lower right corner of the Styles panel.

The results may not be exactly what you want, but in the next step we will start customizing the default Styles and creating some new ones.

Next: Assigning Styles to Paragraphs.

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